I WILL not be joining Andrew Scott at York Civic Trust (Letters, May 6) because, as Groucho Marx once said: “I wouldn’t join any club that would have the likes of me as a member.”

The planning objection posted online does not identify the individuals responsible for the sweeping condemnation of the fire station redevelopment.

Apart from one “customer name” it refers only to the the planning committee of York Civic Trust.

This isn’t good enough.

The names of every person who endorsed the formal objection of the trust should be clearly given on the document forwarded to City of York Council.

Then we can see how many of the 1,000 trust members actually support the subjective opinion that the proposed design is so fundamentally unacceptable that the application should be rejected.

It is oh so easy to just keep saying things are not good enough and calling for something better.

Come on then Mr Scott; let’s see you and your colleagues at York Civic Trust come up with what you think is a feasible and financially viable design worthy of this site.

Matthew Laverack, Lord Mayors Walk, York