A UNIQUE men-only 5km run saw hundreds of runners turn out to raise awareness of a deadly disease.

The R U Taking the P event in Rowntree Park saw athletes tackle a course around Terry Avenue, Rowntree Park, Skeldergate Bridge and Millennium Bridge dressed as their favourite superheroes.

Everyone from dads, brothers and sons took part in the annual event which helps to raise awareness for prostate cancer whilst raising vital funds for Professor Norman Maitland and his team at the Yorkshire Cancer Research Unit at the University of York, who are world leaders in the field of prostate cancer research.

Pantomime dame favourite Berwick Kaler was a last minute casualty and did not take part when he was struck down by a foot injury.

But Brian Hughes, race organiser, said it was the best race yet.

He said: "It was absolutely marvellous.

"The weather was wonderful and we had Claire Frisby from Look North turn up to start the race which was lovely.

"There was 397 entries which was 97 more than we have ever had before. In five years we have raised £72,500 but want to get above £100,000, and I think we might have done that this year.

"If as many men did this race as the women's Race for Life, we may be able to find a cure for this awful disease."