HUNTINGTON councillors have spoken out against plans to build more than 100 new houses on greenfield land on the edge of York.

A planning application for land between Avon Drive, Huntington, and the ring road was submitted by builders Pilcher Homes in March this year, but ward councillors have already voiced their concerns about the scheme.

The site has seen housing developments twice turned down already by council planning officers, and has not been included in drafts of the Local Plan, as the land could be needed if the ring road is dualled in the future, and with concerns about air quality and noise from the road, and access to local schools.

Huntington Liberal Democrat ward councillors have started a petition against the latest proposal before the local elections.

Cllr Keith Orrell said: “This site has twice before been rejected for housing and the latest plans should be rejected again. Residents are deeply concerned about the prospect of over 100 houses being built on this green belt land and I would urge them to have their say during the public consultation.

“There are currently two housing developments being built on brownfield land in Huntington. That is the right way to deliver houses rather than building on new green belt sites. This is particularly true in Huntington which has already taken its fair share of development with the Monks Cross expansion and the building of the new stadium.”