YORK College has been given the Artsmark Gold Award in recognition of its arts and cultural provision.

The college’s performing arts, music, media and art and design divisions were nominated for the award by York Theatre Royal, with whom the college regularly works in collaboration.

In recent years York College students and staff have worked to produce The Mystery Plays, Blood and Chocolate and are currently working on the theatre’s latest production Fog And Falling Snow, which will be staged at the National Railway Museum later this year.

The Artsmark report states: “There is no doubt that York College offers rich, varied and relevant experiences in the arts…in every area we visited we saw tutors working with students to refine and develop practice, providing an environment for learning that matched the needs of students.

“The atmosphere was wholly creative and inspiring. The resources on offer are exceptional and further smooth transition into higher education and/or the creative industries. Tutors work exceptionally hard to give students engaging and meaningful experiences as well as supporting their learning and achievements.”

Jan Ansell, head of division for performing arts, music and media at York College, said “The college is exceptionally proud of its Artsmark Gold Award status. The college works with so many arts practitioners, across all disciplines, and offers students a wide variety of opportunities.

“This award reflects the hard work that goes on collaboratively with the local arts industries to prepare students for careers in the arts. York College has an impressive culture of promoting the arts to the whole college community, as well as the wider community, making the arts provision at York College all-encompassing and inclusive.”