PERHAPS it says something about Britpop that there is never any clamour to discover the new Oasis or Blur.

Both terms have been used in association with Peace, the West Midlands outfit who have also been garlanded as the saviours of indie.

In that case, indie is going to continue being in need of a hand for a while, because while Happy People may have the parts, there has been a mistake made in adding them to a whole.

Their Stone Roses-esque psych-rock elements, slacker riffs and sprawling grooves can’t disguise the fact that the material built around them (including Someday, which sounds more like Oasis’ Cast No Shadow than Oasis’ Cast No Shadow did) is decidedly ordinary.

World Pleasure, redolent of The Charlatans, and the baggy Gen Strange show promise; it’s just the sort of promise you’d expect to find on a debut, rather than a sophomore, album. Peace may have an ear for pop, but it needs to be more finely tuned.