A SCHEME to improve a key bus route near York Hospital is set to be given the green light, following a consultation with residents and businesses.

City of York Council says the £300,000 improvements will help three of York’s five most frequent bus services - 1, 5 and 6 - which can experience some delays in Clarence Street, Gillygate and St Leonards Place.

The measures include introducing a longer lane for vehicles turning left into Lord Mayor’s Walk from Clarence Street, so that straight-through/ right-turning traffic is not held up by queuing vehicles.

Traffic signals will also be changed so that the left turn from Clarence Street into Lord Mayor’s Walk gets additional ‘green time’ and a new section of cycle lane will be introduced on the approach to the traffic lights at the Clarence Street/ Lord Mayor’s Walk junction.

Improved pedestrian crossing access will be introduced adjacent to the Clarence Street bus stops.

The scheme is set to go to a Cabinet Member meeting for final approval, after which work is expected to start in January and finish at the beginning of April.