POLICE in York will prioritise alcohol-related crime, sexual assault and hate crime, under the new plan from the Police and Crime Commissioner.

The plan by Julia Mulligan said almost one in eight respondents to a recent survey felt unsafe walking alone at night, and about one in five believed alcohol to be a key factor in crime in the city.

More than a third of people who responded to the survey which the plan is based on said they wanted to see more police on the street, and many believed antisocial behaviour was a major problem in the community.

Mrs Mulligan said: "This plan has been developed after spending a lot of time finding out what the public want from their police locally. I hope the priorities reflect what people feel on the ground.

"I now need to know what individuals and communities think of the plan, and would encourage anyone interested in crime and anti-social behaviour to read the new plan and let me know what they think."

The plan also outlines key areas for police to focus on around the region, with most rural areas citing road safety and antisocial behaviour as their major concerns, and police looking to tackle cross-border crime in those areas.

More than half of Selby residents said they wanted to see more police on the streets, more than a quarter were concerned about burglaries, and one in five raising concerns about hate crime in the area.

The report also said the force hoped to reduce demand on its officers, by working with external partners on crime prevention.

It said: "This needs to be more ambitious than 'traditional' policing prevention activities and consider the areas where reductions in demand could have the highest impact over specific time scales."

The public are encouraged to view the plan and contact the PCC with their thoughts and suggestions on it.

To read the plan in full, go to northyorkshire-pcc.gov.uk/police-crime-plan and email info@northyorkshire-pcc.gov.uk before November 12.