A YORK based charity has called for fundamental change to end a "permanent sense of crisis" in UK care homes. 

An inquiry into the state of the care home sector for the Joseph Rowntree Foundation (JRF) has called for sweeping change to "inject humanity" back into care homes, with personal relationships put at the heart of how they are run and regulated.

With more people living longer and care needs changing, care homes should be declared "a sector of national strategic importance" by the country, which cares for 400,000 people and employs over 1 million.

The call comes following a year-long personal inquiry by John Kennedy, Director of Care Services at JRF and care provider the Joseph Rowntree Housing Trust (JRHT), who has 30 years’ experience working in care homes.

The report recommends better pay, conditions and support for the million care workers, cutting paperwork, better funding for the sector and creating a professional body to represent care managers.