YOUNG people from across North Yorkshire are being offered the chance to see how their county council works as part of Takeover Day next month.

Those taking part will be able to work alongside decision-makers and senior officers in different departments of the local authority for a day; an initiative which gives them the opportunity to experience the world of work and make their voices heard, while adults and the organisation gain a fresh perspective on what they do.

Earlier this year five members of the young people's council, North Yorkshire youth council and school councils, had the chance to 'takeover' a variety of senior roles within local police and council services. It was such a great success that the council agreed to do it again.

Takeover Day is a national initiative by the Children’s Commissioner, on Friday, November 21.

To take part in visit the North Yorkshire youth support service website which will list different opportunities and to be eligible, young people need to be a part of a Student or Youth Voice project.

The deadline for applications is Friday, October 31.