GEORGE OSBORNE must have thrilled the Tory faithful in York with his attack on welfare benefit payments.

Ten million families will have their dwindling incomes diminished to save a further £3 billion (the budgeted cost for the Isis conflagration).

Has George thought this one through?

The General Election in sight and Georgie Boy appears to slap the electorate in the face; or is it a race to the bottom in competition with New Labour’s disregard for the working class?

In 2010, George said the structural deficit would be eliminated by 2015. He either lied or was incompetent as this won’t be. Hence he and Iain Duncan Smith are in a lot of bovver, what with the Universal Credit system widely seen as a failure and the national debt now matching UK GDP.

Osborne needs more cash to finance Tory tax cuts for millionaires, wage increases for MPs and new wars, therefore someone has to pay and that someone could be you.

MPs should lead by example and refuse their 11 per cent pay rise next year and the £12 billion overseas aid budget ought to be reviewed first before forcing UK families into penury.

Tom Scaife, Manor Drive, York.