ALED JONES can keep his fantasy of a Catholic nation (Letters, August 28).

Henry VIII was less murderous than his elder daughter and Elizabeth’s fanaticism saved us from Romish domination for around 500 years.

Our independence was only put in jeopardy by the fulfilment of Shakespeare’s prophecy, “England.... is now bound in with shame, with inky blots, and rotten parchment bonds; that England that was wont to conquer others, hath made a shameful conquest of itself”, when we joined the EU.

The English Reformation showed the whole world it could be free from Catholic oppression and the Inquisition.

Anyone who thinks the Inquisition is an institution long disbanded has never honestly studied the history and practices of the Roman Catholic Church in Spain and South America into the 20th century.

To understand the practices of the Curia you need to read In God’s Name by David Yallop to see what happens in modern times when even the Pope is not safe from their assassins.

Aled looks back on history with regret but I look back with amazement. What he fails to see is that in 16th century England, as in Palestine in 1967, the hand of God made itself manifest.

England withstood the Catholic world, and Israel withstood the Arab League, against all odds.

Ken Barnes, North View, Catterton.