I HEARTILY agree with Nick Love’s sentiments about the Lendal Bridge fiasco and Councillors Alexander and Merrett’s part in it (No Remorse, Letters, July 28).

No shame, only secrecy all round and a desire to stay in power at any cost and inflict on this beautiful City of York disastrous policies that we all have to live with.

Do not, Kersten England, let yourself be dragged into their spin of secrecy. The old Town Clerks of York, T C Benfield and H J Evans, wouldn’t have, I’m sure.

Woe betide any decent Labour councillors who believe in democracy with minds of their own, they are somehow deselected as we have seen in Clifton and Guildhall.

I am glad my late father, Labour Lord Mayor of York in 1972-73 Vic Boulton, is not here to see what the Labour leadership is doing to its own members and a city he loved so much.

Peter Boulton, Orchard Gardens, Huntington, York.