There are, of course, worse crimes than vandalism, but there are not many that are as baffling and senseless, with consequences that far outweigh whatever dubious pleasure can be derived from the act.

Charity workers from the well-established York charity Lollipop have been angered to discover that the hard work they have done to help children with hearing problems and their families has been wrecked by vandals who attacked their allotment, forcing their way into the shed, throwing its contents about and trying to light a fire on the plot.

The charity is not well off and money that could have been used to help young children must now be spent on putting right the damage.

Other allotments have also been attacked by the yobs who targeted Lollipop, with no doubt further consequences for those who have been working them.

It’s hard to imagine why anyone would want to do this kind of thing, unless to demonstrate some kind of warped scorn at those who, unlike them, can find useful things to do with their time.

We share the anger of the Lollipop workers, and join them in urging anyone who knows who is responsible to tell the police.