A SUM of £57,000 has been invested in the rapid assessment team at York's A&E department.

The extra money - which has come from the £2 million winter money given by the Department of Health - will mean the team can work for an extra 15 hours a week for three months.

Dr Andrew Phillips, lead for urgent care at NHS Vale of York CCG, said: “The Rapid Assessment Team Service provides a multi-disciplinary team that includes occupational therapists, physiotherapists and social workers as well as clinical assessments from doctors in the emergency department.

“The team usually work between 8.30am – 5pm, Monday to Friday. However, with financial support from the CCG, the service has been extended for an extra three hours per day, five days a week."

The team helps with the rpid discharge of patients and supports vulnerable people throughout the transition back to their own home after medical assessment – those who might otherwise be admitted to hospital.