YORK Station is not user friendly.

The lady for whom I am carer and myself are both partially disabled. We need to sit down at regular intervals.

However, this is not always possible at York Station because several seats have been removed.

There are five cafés, all with lots of seats, but not everyone wants to sit drinking huge cartons of coffee.

In fact the station is now more like a café plaza than a working railway station.

Sometimes I take my bike with me. But there are no cycle facilities on platform five, and if I leave my bike unattended to go into a café someone will come and take it away. It’s the same at Leeds.

Lots of seats have disappeared. Fare-paying passengers (oh, sorry, in today’s jargon it’s customers – yeah right!) have to stand while waiting for trains.

This is just not good enough, not good enough at all. Bring back the seats.

Mr K Chapman, Olive Grove, Harrogate.