OF ALL the people in this world to receive an apology, Arthur Scargill is not that person (Letters, January 7).

In fact Mr Scargill should apologise to the miners he put out of work by his foolish egotistical stand in trying to bring down a Government that had been democratically elected to rule this country.

The miners reacted to his rabblerousing and followed him to disaster. I had an interest in these encounters because my father was one of the followers, a miner at Fryston Colliery.

Mr Scargill never had to go hungry because he was getting his normal union-backed wages while bringing the miners out on strike. He is still living in luxury under the auspices of the miners’ union, paid for by miners’ subscriptions.

So no, I don’t think Mr Scargill deserves an apology.

LJ Steels, Tadcaster.