FOLLOWING a letter in The Press of January 6 with regard to a positive outlook for 2014, we have flooding on a national scale and national debt rising at £2,000 a second. Perhaps not the best glimpse into 2014.

We have a Prime Minister who admits he cannot do anything about sending children’s allowance to European migrant families. He also gives me a promise about my pension in the full knowledge I form part of the 68 per cent who vote, while the young must suffer.

The Education Secretary then decides in the face of the tremendous sacrifice of the First World War to attack Baldrick, the character in TV show Blackadder. Meanwhile the Leader of the Opposition adopts the aspect of an ostrich by placing his head in the sand to avoid reality.

Next to all this, King’s Square and the closure of some bridge or other pale into insignificance.

James Alexander and his group are like rabbits in the headlights with the cycle race and it is still only January. And Coun Dave Merrett should have seen the questions raised over the bridge closure. Even my nine-year-year old grandson could have worked them out.

As your letter writer says, happy new year.

Keith Isaac, Byron Drive, York.