HAVING seen the pictures in newspapers and on TV of people standing on breakwaters, harbour walls, etc, during the high-winds and high seas surely shows how stupid some people are.

I spent 13 years at sea and spent nearly half of this time on the North Atlantic run. In summer the North Atlantic can be mill-pond smooth. However, in winter it becomes the roughest ocean in the world.

I have experienced the power of the North Atlantic and it is truly awe inspiring with huge waves tossing our 20,000 ton ship around like a floating cork.

Sometimes we were “hove-to”, meaning the engines of the ship were slowed right-down in order to keep all forward motion to just enough to keep the ship “head on” to the waves. Would anyone go out on deck under such violence? Of course not as it was far too dangerous!

So why do those buffoons think it’s not dangerous to stand on a harbour wall when mountainous seas are breaking? Legislation should be brought in to stop people doing these idiotic stunts if, for no other reason, than to protect themselves from themselves.

Philip Roe, Roman Avenue South, Stamford Bridge, York.