GODFREY BLOOM really surpassed himself in last Friday’s letters pages. It’s amazing how such a short letter can get so many things completely wrong.

He thinks the BBC is in some sort of sinister league with government and big business. Is this the BBC so often bashed for being a bunch of lefties?

He says British electricity prices are the most expensive in the free world. Actually despite recent rises, they are still below the European average.

He talks of unchallenged assumptions on global warming, which supposedly doesn’t exist. Actually, the challenges have been endless, and the world’s thermometers haven’t all gone wrong.

Carbon dioxide, he says, is a “life-giving natural gas”, not a pollutant. What glorious woolly thinking! The problem isn’t the presence of CO2 in the atmosphere, but too much of it.

People say they don’t like it when politicians don’t tell the truth. Sadly, these particular untruths remain rather too popular.

Alan Robinson, Lindley Street, Holgate, York.