THERE was a time when neighbours looked out for one another, when everyone had time for a chat over a cup of tea. Nobody would be lonely if they had someone living next door.

It’s a bit different nowadays. We all lead busy lives and elderly neighbours often have to get by thanks to social services.

Wouldn’t it be nice if that included time to catch up on the week’s gossip? Sadly “Washed... Fed... You’re done” is the damning finding from a new council study.

It goes on to say people who use social care services in York experience “feelings of social isolation”, and struggle with support.

While it’s tempting to blame uncaring carers, they work to tight deadlines. Like most of us, they have too little time for the niceties in life.

This brings us back to the sprit of neighbourliness, when everyone looked out for one another and had time for a chat over a cup of tea.

So perhaps we are all at fault these days for allowing support to the most vulnerable to become a low priority. Shouldn’t we be looking at ourselves, rather than seeking someone else to blame?