IN REPLY to Coun Andy D’Agorne’s letter of November 29, how can he think that the Millennium Bridge should be added to Illuminating York next year?

What is the council going to do – put on buses to take visitors to see it, as that is the only way they will see it?

Most visitors do not realise we have a Millennium Bridge unless they have ventured on to the river.

I have always thought the decision to put the bridge more than a mile away from the city was mad as in all other cities that have one it is sited more centrally.

If he wants to have visitors see it lit up, move it into a position where they can and put a road cycle and foot bridge where one has been earmarked since the inner ring road was discussed years ago.

This would ease traffic on Fulford Road and during the racing season take traffic straight into South Bank.

Once again cycles have been put first at the cost of cars.

Richard Benson, Boroughbridge Road, York.