EXTRA police patrols will be out in York to help prevent crime in the run up to Christmas.

Officers will be in the city centre, the Designer Outlet, Monks Cross and Clifton Moor shopping centres focusing on preventing shoplifting, pickpockets, and sneak-in burglaries at shops, in an operation which runs until Christmas Eve.

They will also speak to known offenders they see, who will be challenged to interrupt their activities and prevent them committing crime.

Sergeant Carol Horner, of York Safer Neighbourhood Team, said: “The vast majority of people who visit the shopping areas of York at this time of year, do so with the intention of shopping and soaking up the festive atmosphere.

“Sadly, there are others who come to the city with criminal intent. I want these people to understand that they are not wanted and we will do everything in our power to interfere with and prevent their offending, to keep York one of the safest and lowest crime cities in the country.”

Shoppers are advised to ensure their bags are securely fastened, not leave shopping unattended, and ensure any items left in a car are out of sight in the boot.

For more crime prevention advice go to northyorkshire.police.uk/crimeprevention