ONE of York’s picture-postcard attractions took a step back in time as the city took a starring role in a new BBC production.

Film crews have been at locations around York over the last few days to shoot scenes for Death Comes To Pemberley, the sequel to Jane Austen’s classic Pride And Prejudice, which is due to be screened at Christmas.

Made by Origin Pictures, the area outside St William’s College yesterday became a street from a bygone age, complete with horses and goats.

Among the famous names on set was Doctor Who and Emmerdale actress Jenna-Louise Coleman, with the drama also featuring Trevor Eve, of Waking The Dead and Shoestring fame, and Matthew Goode, star of Watchmen, Stoker and the film version of Brideshead Revisited.

Filming has also taken place at the Eye of York, the Treasurer’s House, Castle Howard. Harewood House and Chatsworth House, with crews set to wrap up the York scenes today.

The series is based on Baroness PD James’ novel telling the story of Pride And Prejudice’s Elizabeth and Mr Darcy five years after they married.