Recently I attended the council’s “consultation” in Copmanthorpe where residents can see details of the Local Plan.

Sadly there was a limited range of documents, many only having one copy, and there was no effort to be relevant to Copmanthorpe, as people had to sift through maps of the other side of York.

Nearly 400 people attended and it’s great they took the time to do so. I spoke to as many as I could and only found one supporter of the plan as it stood. The parish council’s petition against the plan proved so popular a queue to sign became the norm and another table was needed.

Like the majority I speak to, people realise the need for the plan and are furious at the farce Labour has made it, with their incompetence causing the predecessor to be pulled. People want more houses in York, but dispute the scale of development.

The proposed near 40 per cent increase in the size of Copmanthorpe is totally unjustified and plans for a wind farm, after it was so clearly rejected two years ago, affront democracy.

The people have clearly spoken; will the Labour cabinet, none of whom of course dared attend the meeting, listen?

Coun Chris Steward, Conservative, Rural West York ward, Dewsbury Court, York.