YORK will welcome six Norwegian choirs this weekend as a free choral event gets under way.

The Scandinavian Choral Festival will begin with a choral singing contest at Guildhall between 7.30pm and 9pm on Friday, with the choirs each performing two songs inside the civic building.

The following day will see two opportunities to see performances, with the first being held in Coppergate Square between 10am and midday and including renditions of pop and folk tunes. A full choir concert will be held between 6.30pm and 9pm on Saturday at Central Methodist Church on St Saviourgate, with the choirs performing alongside the York Philharmonic Male Voice Choir.

On Sunday, a series of church performances will be held at places of worship including St George’s, English Martyrs, St Clements and Holy Trinity Churches.

The festival has been organised by Sabra Tours in a partnership with Visit York, whose chief executive Gillian Cruddas will compere Saturday’s St Saviourgate performance.

She said: “We are delighted the festival is back in York again, as the city has some of the UK’s finest indoor and outdoor concert venues which choirs are always keen to sing in.”

The Norwegian choirs taking part are Beatleskoret, Harstad Mannskor, Mallembygd Mannskor, Høybråten Damekor, Ås Korforening and Paradur Damekor. More information is at visityork.org