A YORK farming boss due to run the equivalent of six marathons in six days across the Sahara desert has offered advice to those training for the York Marathon.

Barney Kay, 39, North East director of the National Farmers’ Union (NFU), is running the Marathon des Sables in Morocco to raise funds for British charity Farm Africa, which works to tackle hunger in eastern Africa.

In order to prepare for the gruelling race – in which he will run about 155 miles in six days in 50 degrees heat, carrying food, bedding and a huge volume of water – Mr Kay is currently running up to 80 miles a week.

Mr Kay, who has previously run the London Marathon, said those training for the Plusnet Yorkshire Marathon due to be held in York and surrounding villages in October, should be begining to work on their mileage as well as focusing on rehydration and diet.

He said: “It’s all about looking after your body and making sure you start slowly. You probably need a 20-mile run under your belt before the race.”

Mr Kay is currently running two to three hours on an almost daily basis from his home in Kirk Hammerton along the roads and fields between York and Harrogate in preparation for the challenge.

He said: “To be honest, right now I just hope that my knees hold up and that I finish alive! But I can’t wait for the race to start and the sense of camaraderie with the hundreds of other runners that will be taking part.”

Mr Kay has been sponsored by the fresh produce team at Asda and donations can be made at uk.virginmoneygiving.com/BarneyKay

He has already raised nearly £7,000 of his £15,000 target.

He said: “Emergency aid to people in crisis is absolutely essential. But what I love about Farm Africa is that rather than handing out food, they are actually teaching smallholder farmers skills and know-how, which means they are able to grow more food now and for a long time into the future, and in the most challenging conditions which can make some of our own farming problems here seem small in comparison. All of this means that the money I raise now will have value for years to come”.