TWO much-valued groups which have proved the therapeutic value of music have been nominated for York Community Pride awards.

The Smile And A Song trio, who provide musical entertainment in elderly people's homes, have been put forward in the Charity Fundraiser of the Year category by 83-year-old Catherine Halliwell, of Rawcliffe.

Mrs Halliwell said she was regularly entertained by the group at St Sampson's Centre for the elderly, where she works as a volunteer.

The group raise money for charity by asking for donations at the homes where they perform, holding dances each year, and collecting in the street for charities that approach them for help.

They have so far raised £15,000 for charity.

Mrs Halliwell said: "If it wasn't for those people, the over-60s people probably would never get any entertainment at all. They make us so happy - I think they're wonderful."

Group organiser Brenda Mackfall said: "We love it - we just love singing."

Another musical group, Amicus, has also been nominated for an award - Best Community Project.

The "interactive music" project aims to break down the barriers between children in mainstream and special needs schools by creating "musical friendship" groups.

School children visited by the scheme's volunteers have a chance to use high-tech music equipment, last year performing at the SightSonic festival in York.

One of the group's founders, Jacki Dealtry, of Pocklington, said she had been inspired to set up the group by a similar project in Darlington.

Since then, she has raised thousands of pounds of funding to help keep it going.

She said: "What we see is an expression on a child's face that you don't normally see because they feel a part of something.

"It's just amazing to see a child join in."

We are still looking for the true community heroes of York. The people who in your eyes deserve to be recognised in our Community Pride awards.

To send us your nominations, fill in the entry form on this page, remembering to include the category for which you are entering, and making sure you include a supporting statement on no more than two sides of A4.

Our judges will select three finalists in each category, and winners will be announced at an awards ceremony on December 1.

Updated: 09:09 Tuesday, June 29, 2004