A GRATEFUL 84-year-old has nominated a truly good neighbour for a York Community Pride award.

Gladys Elliott, of Howard Drive, Rawcliffe, has put forward 68-year-old Brian Fawcett, also of Howard Drive, in the Volunteer Of The Year category - for his kindness to elderly people in the area.

She said that Brian visited her regularly, helping her and other neighbours in "lots of ways".

Brian's wife, Jean, said her husband would help vulnerable older people in whatever way he could, from doing their shopping to cooking them lunch, or providing advice about bills and forms.

The couple also took neighbours into their home to live with them when houses in the area were flooded in 2000. Gladys, whose husband was terminally ill in bed during the 2000 floods, said Brian had monitored the water level for her at night, in case she had to get her husband to a nursing home quickly.

She said: "Whatever I ask him, he'll sort it out. He's a really nice man. You don't hear him say anything wrong about anybody."

Althea Andrews, also 84, said she had first got to know Brian during the 2000 floods. She said: "He's very kindly - if he sees you need anything he'll come along."

Brian said he was "greatly honoured" that his name had been put forward for an award.

We still need entries for our community pride awards. Who do you know in your community who makes a difference? What about young people for our Spirit Of Youth category?

To nominate your community heroes, fill in the entry form on this page, remembering to include the category. We need a supporting statement, on no more than two sides of A4.

Our judges will select three finalists in each category, and winners will be announced at an awards ceremony on December 1.

We are also looking for business sponsors. For more information on sponsoring an award category, phone Nigel Briggs at the Evening Press, on 01904 653051, or email nigel.briggs@ycp.co.uk.

Updated: 09:26 Thursday, June 17, 2004