I AM concerned about plans to hold a three-day festival on Rawcliffe Park, which is a stone’s throw away from my family home.

The Kaboom event, which was held in 2012 for only one night, attracted a crowd of 2,500 people which left the site churned up. It is still in the same mess now.

The new festival is said to be planning for 7,000 people in what is a residential area.

I know some might think my objection is that of a killjoy, but I moved to Rawcliffe because it is a quiet area with a beautiful park for walking and children to play. It’s a mess now and after 7,000 people have trampled over it may well be wrecked.

Festivals are good fun, but should be held in appropriate places away from people’s homes.

Mrs Richards, Ings View, Rawcliffe, York.