I AM writing about the decision to install traffic lights at York Road, Dunnington (The Press, November 3).

A total of 97 per cent of villagers voted against the scheme, but yet the Lib Dem council sanctioned £200,000 on it.

One local councillor said it would reduce accidents. What accidents? They have not yet quoted any numbers to justify this waste of £200,000.

Does the council not remember the traffic lights on the A64 at Copmanthorpe, and how many accidents they caused? Let's not have that at Dunnington and the A1079.

Can the council not help Elvington village's outlet on to Grimston junction at the same time, by building a roundabout at the proposed lights position (there is room)? Then a slip road could be put near the Grimston lights to take the A1079 traffic onto the A64, easing congestion.

This will also help the local farmers who could still turn right, and not have to go round Grimston roundabout's four sets of traffic lights to get their tractors and combines home, causing more congestion on the overloaded A1079 and Grimston junction.

D Waines, Ox Calder Close, Dunnington, York.