POLICE are warning people to take extra care to secure their homes against burglars in the run-up to Christmas.

They are issuing advice to homeowners to protect their property from opportunist thieves hoping to steal Christmas presents.

York Police spokesman Colin Ventress said: "As shoppers begin to buy their Christmas presents, homes are becoming more tempting to burglars and opportunist thieves need very little time to gain entry to addresses, particularly those that are insecure.

"As the days are getting shorter and the nights are drawing in earlier, people need to take extra care to ensure doors and windows are kept locked at all times, even when the occupants are at home."

People are also being warned to take extra care now the clocks have gone back because rates of burglary, robbery and vehicle crime traditionally rise at this time of year, as thieves take advantage of the darkness.

He said Christmas could be one of the most profitable times of year for thieves.

He said: "Dark houses left unoccupied for days on end, with piles of empty cardboard boxes outside showing exactly what electronic goodies the household received in Santa's sack, are a neon advertisement for a burglar."

Humberside Police has issued a similar warning to homeowners in East Yorkshire.

PC Trevor Waudby, one of the force's crime reduction officers, said: "Members of the public need to be made aware there are opportunist thieves out there who will happily enter homes, day or night, when doors or windows have been left insecure, even when the occupant is in.

"They can be in and out of a house very quickly without the occupant's knowledge, and will take anything that is to hand such as handbags, purses, small electrical items and Christmas presents.

"Often they will take keys to the doors of the house, allowing them to return later and burgle the house again. If car keys are taken, then it is likely the family car will be taken as well."

Police home security advice

* Ensure there are adequate locks on all windows and external doors.

* To prevent a sneak-in burglary, windows and external doors that are not in use should always be locked and the keys kept in a safe place in case of emergency.

* Alarms that chime should be fitted to external doors so the occupant is alerted if a door is opened.

* Especially now the dark evenings are drawing in, outside lighting should be fitted that is activated by a sensor. Burglars do not like to be seen.

* When you go to bed at night, take house and car keys with you so they cannot be used if someone does enter your home. Keep them in a safe place in case of emergency.

* Mark all property of value and keep a list of the property and any serial numbers.

* Don't leave items of value on display; keep them away from windows and doors.