THE writer of the letter "Pupils swear and behave so badly" (Letters, November 8) is wise to withhold his/her name and address, and I would wish to do likewise.

Any remonstration is likely to bring verbal abuse and the risk of having property vandalised.

Children learn from their parents and will pass antisocial behaviour down to the next generation, and so the situation increasingly deteriorates. The school will say that whatever happens outside the school gates is outside their control. Perhaps this is why the smokers have their last drag before going through the entrance.

The solution is discipline, from pupils, parents, and schools. Pupils should learn to have a pride in the school. I felt privileged to attend Archbishop Holgate's Grammar School when it was in Lord Mayor's Walk.

Parents should allow the school to take whatever action is necessary against bad behaviour, and the school should realise that learning does not end at the school gates.

Perhaps a return to morning assembly would help, although attendance times do appear to be somewhat flexible - start 8.30ish until 1ish, and then from 1.30ish until 2.40ish.

Rawcliffe Drive resident.