PHIL Bixby (Cars not a right, Letters, November 8) accuses me of "the most amazing piece of flat-earth denial I've seen in years", in his reply to my letter in which, apparently, I was championing the cause of motorists in their never-ending battle against the cynics who "govern" this country.

Well, a flat-earth believer I may be, Mr Bixby, but, in my flat earth there are many hundreds of thousands of active volcanoes, some visible above ground but many, many, more, sub-sea, and all pumping out massive amounts of CO2 on a scale that man's puny efforts with his cars, aeroplanes, industry, etc, can never match.

Until some "expert" can come up with sets of figures that prove irrefutably that man produces more CO2 than all the volcanoes in the world, then I will stick with my belief, flat earth or not, that it is unfair to add yet more taxation to motorists, or any other sector of society (as is surely going to happen soon), under the cynical banner of "saving the environment".

Remember, only a few short years ago, the buzz-words were: "Hole in the ozone layer is going to kill us all. Ban fridges! Ban aerosols!", and so on.

Strangely, the hole in the ozone layer this year is the largest it has been for some considerable time.

This in spite of the huge downturn in chlorofluorocarbon gas production introduced after it was decided they were responsible.

The reason for the huge hole? Unprecedented cold in the Antarctic.

I wonder why that information hasn't been touted by the global-warming gloom-and-doomers?

It is worth remembering that nobody has yet conclusively proved that climate change has got anything to do with man.

Phil Roe, Roman Avenue South, Stamford Bridge, East Yorkshire.