ADAM SINCLAIR (The Press, January 15) blames his business difficulties on anything but the real culprits: the Tory-led coalition he supports.

Mulberry Hall may not be to everyone’s taste or budget, but it is one of York’s flagship businesses at the luxury end of the market.

If even Adam’s posh shop is suffering from the effects of Tory/ LibDem policies, how does he expect the rest of the local economy to survive? It is the coalition that is responsible for undermining businesses and turning Adam’s unfortunate loyal workers into unemployed skivers, in the words of his appalling Tory Chancellor.

It’s about time Tories in York admitted what everyone else recognises – that business failure, unemployment, social misery and cuts in council services are the result of ideologically driven policies.

To paraphrase the Chancellor, we’re all in this dogs’ mess together – even Adam Sinclair. As usual, it’s ordinary workers who end up paying for the Tory mess with their jobs and livelihoods.

Colin Hall, Rowntree Wharf, Navigation Road, York.