ACTIVITIES for young people in potential trouble “hot spots” have been boosted with an award of £3,000.

The award was presented by Julie Good, the High Sheriff of the East Riding of Yorkshire, at Goole Leisure Centre, during a twilight football session for young people.

The cash for the East Riding Hot Spots project will help fund positive activities such as sport, play and arts for young people in areas of the county identified as areas which may be prone to crime and antisocial behaviour.

It will be based on Positive Futures programmes and will be located according to need, reflecting the concerns of communities and neighbourhood police officers. The High Sheriffs’ and Humberside Police Tribune Trust have approved grant awards totalling £10,000 to five community-based projects.

Geoff Ogden, director of the Tribune Trust, said: “All five projects reflect diverse but topical issues which through volunteers make a real difference in communities as all aspects of crime are tackled.”