You are never too young – or too old – to become a better driver.

Just ask Lauren Pearse, who has passed her advanced driving test at the age of 18.

Or Douglas Petty, who passed the test 30 years ago and only days before his 89th birthday successfully took the test again.

Their achievements have made the pair the oldest and youngest drivers in Yorkshire to pass the Instititute of Advanced Motorists’ test.

Lauren said: “This gave me a great opportunity to not only lower my insurance premiums, because young people of my age struggle with the high pricing of insurance, but also the confidence that I needed with driving. It has also shown me to observe not only how I drive but also drivers around me.”

Douglas, who lives in the Stockton Lane area of York, said: “I decided it was the sensible thing to do to get myself rechecked. I had also read a lot of criticism in the newspapers of elderly drivers and had a point to prove.”

Both Douglas and Lauren, who lives in Pontefract, West Yorkshire, underwent advanced driver training with observers from York group of the IAM.

If you are interested in knowing more information about the advanced driving course and test you can contact the Yorkl IAM group by emailing Clive Tong at