AUDITIONS for the York Settlement Players’ production of The Tapiters and Couchers’ Play, Christ Before Pilate 1: The Dream Of Pilate’s Wife, will be held on Sunday April 11 at Clementhorpe Community Centre from 2pm to 5pm.

Staged by the Company of the Merchants of the Staple of England and the Settlement Players, the play will form part of the Guilds of York’s waggon presentation of the York Mystery Plays in the city streets on July 11 and 18.

Rehearsals will begin on June 6, usually one evening and Sunday afternoon each week, culminating in a dress rehearsal on July 10.

“As usual with Settlement productions, the auditions are open to everyone, and this is a great chance to take part in a prestigious, lively event, one of the most important in York’s cultural life,” says director Graham Sanderson.

He has cut the original 548 lines of the Beadle and King text to 457 for a “nice mix of strong drama and sharp exchanges with quite a lot of comic opportunity too, especially in the first section”.

In all, there are ten characters in the play: the proud and powerful Pilate; his vain and voluptuous wife Procula; Pilate’s assertive, comic but sincere officer, Beadle; the priests Annas and Caiaphas; the Servant to Procula and Pilate; two Soldiers; a cameo role for the Devil; and a small but powerful and important part for Jesus.

“The precise ages of the actors are less important than achieving a balance of ages within the piece and between related characters,” says Graham.

“The auditions will begin with a practical warm-up session, focusing on ways of approaching and exploiting the language of the text. We’ll then read the play together, after which actors will be asked to work in groups to present small sections of the play, to give people the chance to prepare unfamiliar text.”

In addition to actors, Graham is seeking members of the production team: costume, set construction and props, plus the crew to manoeuvre the Players’ waggon through the city-centre streets.

“If you’d like to take part as an actor or crew member, but can’t come to Sunday’s audition, please contact me at or on 01904 652650,” says Graham.