The tale of the Snow Queen fits well with the current icy climate in York, where our weather forcasts are threatening snow almost any day now. Upstage Centre Youth Theatre, with its cast of 28 young players between the ages of 6 and 18, has breathed new life into the classic winter tale which will enchant all audiences.

The story follows Gerda, whose friend Kai has been spirited away by the Snow Queen after a piece of her magic mirror strikes his heart. She travels north, encountering talking crows, a selfish princess, and a lost reindeer on her journey to bring her friend back home. Matt Harper’s script is enchanting and amusing, introducing the audience to several memorable characters. The band of thieves was a particularly entertaining ensemble, tripping over themselves and providing some brilliant moments of comedy. The softening of each character she meets by Gerda’s determination to save Kai really brings out the element of love between friends, and serves as an excellent reminder of how a warm heart can stop the Snow Queen’s power.

The musical numbers are also delightful. Joshua Goodman’s score is superb, ranging from delicate numbers to fit Gerda’s quest, to large show-stoppers like the princess’ song. The dances are all lovely and fit the music perfectly, showing the multi-talented range of the performers. In addition, the set lent a rustic quality to this brand new script, fitting in with the elements of folklore surrounding the many tales of the Snow Queen. The players used the set and props simply, even opening a cupboard brought in a whole new setting of a small peasant’s house.

Seeing such a brand new piece of original material last night, with collaboration from the talented bunch, it is safe to say that this production will certainly melt your heart.