YORK Shakespeare Project will perform a Sonnet Walk in the run-up to Le Grand Depart for the Tour de France on the early evenings of June 25 to 29 and July 2 to 6.

"We're seeking keen and confident actors and guides to bring Shakespeare's speeches and sonnets to the streets and walls of York," says co-director Tom Straszewski.

"Whether you're an experienced performer or an aspiring one, you will be welcome," adds co-director Helen Wilson. "We'll explain the concept of The Sonnet Walk fully at our auditions."

Those auditions will be held on Tuesday, May 6 and Sunday, May 11 from 7pm to 8.30pm at Clements Hall, Nunthorpe Road, Bishopthorpe, York.

"These will involve a relaxed improv session and work on sonnets; no preparation required," says Helen.

Anyone interested in auditioning should contact Tom and Helen at tom.straszewski@gmail.com or helensallywilson@aol.com or call 07761540831.