ON the road this winter with his latest album Studio Zoo, Newton Faulkner has been going from strength to strength since he first appeared on the music scene back in 2006.

His unique, percussive style of guitar music has garnered a huge number of fans over the past eight years, and as we took our seats, the crowd’s anticipation was palpable, the excited chatter quietening only as the lights finally went down.

The opening act, Sam Brookes delighted the crowd with his half-hour set, showcasing both his friendliness and a phenomenal voice while delivering simple but excellently crafted music, as well as sharing some humorous banter between songs.

A brief break cued the return of the excited chatter before Faulkner himself took to the stage. He hit the ground running and stayed strong throughout, demonstrating his incredible versatility as a performer.

He dished up everything from the hauntingly beautiful to the unabashedly joyful without ever missing a beat, although his unexpected rendition of Justin Timberlake’s Like I Love You was a particular treat, introduced simply as Faulkner wanting to “try something”.

His conversational ramblings were also fantastic, his charisma and upbeat manner enthralling everyone even when he wasn’t tapping out rhythmic beats on his guitar or singing into it. He also knew just how to get the audience to interact, encouraging plenty of clapping, stamping and singing along throughout.

All in all, it was a smashing performance from all involved and thoroughly enjoyed by all who attended.

Review by Robert McKelvey