STRING Bean Slim from York’s old-time Americana obsessives King Courgette has been on the line with a New Year message.

“‘We’re gonna be cracking out the banjos and fiddles for a free ruckus at the Volunteer Arms in Walton Street on Saturday night to wish all our friends and fans a happy and prosperous 1936,” he says.

But wait a minute Mr Slim, it’s 2014.

“Well, sure, our calendars may have got a little out of date but you ain’t telling me we’re that far into the future. Won’t there be flying cars and little communication devices you can carry everywhere?” asks String Bean.

We’ve got the second.

“No s**t! And has the Depression finished yet?”

Well, it sort of came back.

“Well, there y’are, see! All the more reason to spend the night with us at the Volunteer Arms. ’Cos if Wild Zucchini Bill doing his crazy dance can’t cheer you up, nothing will.”

Saturday’s gig kicks off at 8.30pm. Admission is free.