PABLO Picasso once said, “Good artists borrow, great artists steal”. With that in mind, the Norman Rea Gallery is to mount a summer open exhibition entitled Wink, and submissions are now being taken.

Taking the definition of “wink” as “an action of acknowledgement or recognition”, the show aims to approach iconic images in much the same way.

“This is your opportunity to create a piece of art that intentionally copies the style, theme, or meaning of someone else’s work or style of work,” say the exhibition organisers.

“Just as Picasso turned his hand to Velázquez’s Las Meninas, and Warhol paid homage to Leonardo Da Vinci’s The Last Supper and Mona Lisa, we want you to give us your own version of an artwork many of us are familiar with, something reinvented – whether in the same medium or in another form of your choice.

“The most witty and creative will be selected for display in the exhibition. We aim to use the floor space of the gallery as much as the walls and are as keen to receive contributions of sculpture, installation, video, and performance as we are of paintings and photographs.”

For more information, visit