HENRI Matisse was an old man virtually confined to his bed through illness when he famously started to produce paper cuts and collages in the early 1950s.

Drawing or painting with scissors, he called it.

Prints of no fewer than 35 of his cut-outs, including a series of famous ‘blue nudes’, have now appeared at the Pocklington Arts Centre as part of a touring exhibition which will be in the town until March 12.

The effect of all 35 of the works in one room is very powerful, says the centre’s assistant manager, James Duffy. And it is also surprisingly uplifting.

“Individually the pieces are impressive,” he said. “But when you see them all together you can really see what he was trying to do. He was confined to his bed, but the works themselves are really vibrant – full of life, and colour, freedom of movement, fluidity and space.”

They have certainly gone down well with schoolchildren. Up to 60 pupils from local schools have been visiting every day since the exhibition opened to study the works, and interpret them in their own way, James says. Now that’s uplifting.

For arts centre opening times and information please phone the box office on (01759) 301547 or visit pocklingtonartscentre.co.uk