WOW. Into a second year after their coalition politics were soundly rejected by the people of York, Councillors Ann Reid and Ian Cuthbertson (Letters, September 15) are still operating in a fantasy land – one where they are not the same party that is propping up the Tories in Government.

These members of York’s thirdrate party demonstrate an astounding hypocrisy by supporting the actions of their national Lib Dem party, which is pulling the rug out from under the feet of ordinary people, and then opposing the effects of this at local level.

Ordinary people in my ward, containing one of the poorest areas in York, fear for their future as ideological Tory cuts to welfare are implemented whilst coupled with no plan for economic growth and a rise in Government debt.

Voters know better – as demonstrated in May 2011 – and if York Lib Dems wish to regain some level of integrity, they should be writing to Nick Clegg and openly declaring their opposition to Governmentimposed cuts on local government budgets. They should stop opposing their own cuts at a local level just for the sake of a good headline.

Coun Neil Barnes, Labour, Hull Road ward.