I HAVE been following the many letters relating to traffic problems in York, and can I suggest the time has come to take some bold steps to preserve the centre of our city for us and future generations.

With planning approval on its way for two more Park&Ride sites, the time is right to plan to ban all vehicles from the centre of the city (using the city walls as the boundary) and give it over to pedestrians and cyclists.

The exceptions would be:

1. Residents and small businesses within the boundary with cars – they would be issued with permits to allow them access which would be displayed on their vehicles.

2. Vehicles with disabled stickers.

3. Buses.

4. Delivery vehicles and market traders (but only at specified times).

All car parks within the boundary would be closed, with the possible exception of Peasholme Green (102).

This would still leave parking within walking distance of the boundary for 1,700 vehicles, plus the spaces at the station and the National Railway Museum.

The Park&Ride areas should be enhanced to Country Parks status, with picnic areas and cycle paths and walkways designed to allow visitors to walk to and explore areas around the city. We also need to make our Park&Ride areas more user-friendly, as they are the gateway to the city for many visitors.

I recently attended a meeting with about 100 other participants representing a wide range of interests in the city and they were all unanimous in the view that this was the way to go.

The benefits are many with a vast reduction in carbon emissions, a much safer environment for residents and visitors to enjoy the city, the extension of pavement cafes, creation of green areas to replace some car parks and extension of Park&Ride hours through increased use.

Jim Welsman, Grassholme, Woodthorpe, York.