I write with regard to Moorland Energy Ltd’s proposal to build a gas processing plant in Thornton-le-Dale. I object most strongly to their chosen site on a number of grounds:

1) The proposed facility is on an open greenfield site in a conservation area adjacent to the national park boundary. An industrial development of this scale should be on an industrial site, such as Outgang Lane, Pickering.

2) The environmental impact will be huge. It will be seen from the top of Hurrell Lane or Ellerburn Valley – not good for tourism, let alone we who live here. A 16ft high bund with some trees on will not block out 50ft high buildings. Moorland’s artist’s impression of this industrial complex was an “idealistic picture” – far from a true representation of what would actually be seen, and the proposed access road, crossing open agricultural land, will be an absolute eyesore.

3) If this industrial proposal gets planning permission in Hurrell Lane, the village envelope would then be breached on the eastern boundary. This means that more industrial buildings could follow, along with housing development, and our village as we know it today would be lost forever.

Moorland’s website and press releases claim that an exhibition invitation flyer was delivered to all houses in Thornton-le-Dale. I do not believe anyone has had one, and would ask their chief executive to withdraw this claim through the press and from their website and future planning application(s). Please register your objection now to this proposal by going to the Ryedale Gas Project website. Also, please write a letter of objection to North Yorkshire County Council, Planning Department, County Hall, Northallerton, DL7 8AD or email them at customer.services@northyorks.gov.uk

Finally, anyone who wishes to help our campaign to stop the proposed project at Hurrell Lane, please phone me on 01751 476601 or go to thornton-le-dale.info and leave your details.

Jerry Scarr, Farmanby Close, Thornton-le-Dale.

• A “public consultation” was recently held in Thornton-le-Dale by Moorland Energy Limited, of Guildford, to inform residents that a gas processing plant is soon to be built just outside the village.

The consultation was not widely publicised, and many residents are still unaware of the scale of the proposed development.

Many seem to think the project is intended for the benefit of the village; in reality, the gas produced is to be injected into the main national pipeline, with the profits being spirited away to the company’s Surrey headquarters.

Much was made of benefit to the local economy by job creation; a figure of 170 was mentioned. In reality, the number of new posts created by this scheme will be nearer 20, as 150 of the larger number will be contractors building the plant; these jobs probably already exist.

I suspect only a fraction of the 20 new jobs will be available to locals, as the engineering skills may need to be imported.

The plant is to include dozens of large steel cylinders, many over 40ft high, and as tall as 50 feet. There will be admin buildings, a compressor house and a three-metre perimeter fence.

The plant will take up all of a 14-acre pasture, not including extra land needed for new access roads. A gas flame will burn from the tallest building for some of the time.

The nation is, of course, heavily dependent on gas, but not at the expense of the beauty of our countryside, on which our tourism trade depends. Surely a location for this plant should be found that already has an industrial history!

Local people: don’t be complacent – be aware just how large this factory is going to be. Don’t find yourself telling your grandkids: “I remember when it was all fields round here...”

Adam White, Whitbygate, Thornton-le-Dale.