AS I see it, there are three strands to Brexit.

Firstly, economic. As, to my recollection, no economic expert has ever got their forecast right, I see no point in them speaking.

We do however buy much more from Europe than they do from us and we could probably buy it cheaper elsewhere, so we do have a certain leverage there.

Secondly, political. I cannot understand why anyone should prefer to be governed by German dominated, unsackable Brussels bureaucrats rather than by our own elected Parliament.

Thirdly, legal. British common law has been developed for us and by us over centuries and is paramount through most of the English speaking world.

European civil law was instituted by Napoleon and forced by him on most of the continent. Why should our system be subordinated to an alien form of justice?

Personally, I prefer Scots law to the both, which is a very old hybrid of common and Roman law, with some Nordic thrown in.

A V Martin, Westfield Close, Wigginton, York