IN response to Jonny Crawshaw’s letter (The Press, June 15), I would not only like to thank the 1,581 voters who chose to wear their Green hearts on their sleeves by voting for me in the by-election.

But also to reassure them that in 2019 the Greens will certainly still be standing up for a pluralist, collaborative kind of politics with councillors who want to work as a team for the common good.

By stating that reclaiming Micklegate as a three-Labour ward is their aim, I am saddened further that not only do the national Labour party avoid firmly committing to progressive politics but that locally as well, a co-operative politics seems only the preserve of the Green Party.

I myself promise to work hard on all the voluntary projects I have suggested and believe so fervently in.

Projects that will cater to the needs of the Micklegate community over the next two years improving social, economic and environmental conditions and, in addition, perhaps encouraging many more people to grow faith in voting Green.

I will represent the collaborative ethos of the global Green identity at every opportunity and hope that 2019 will bring new progressive councillors together, not further apart.

Rosie Baker, York Green Party, Lower Ebor Street, York