WHY governments find it difficult to stop individuals raiding pension funds is baffling.

A one line act of Parliament would suffice.

Pension funds are only to be used for the benefit of those who are the eventual recipients, nothing else.

Peter Rickaby, West Park, Selby

Carry on voting – and letter-writing!

RIGHT-WINGER President Trump is having great difficulty getting his policies into law.

If our left-winger Jeremy Corbyn was Prime Minister he would have even greater difficulty getting his policies into law.

When it comes to the crunch there are more powerful forces in democracies than the voters.

I sometimes think every letter I have had published has had more influence than any vote I have cast.

That said, carry on voting. I do!

Max Nottingham, St Faith’s Street, Lincoln

Where’s the strength and stability here?

Julian Sturdy is hardly speaking for all his constituents when all he he can do is echo the boring Conservative mantra that we are getting very tired of hearing.

The state of the roads, the state of education and the state of the NHS hardly recommend the Prime Minster’s claim to strong and stable government. It looks more like weakness and instability to me.

Susan F. R. Roome, Heslington Court, York

Opposition can take French inspiration

EMMANUEL MACRON won decisively in France partly because many voted against Le Pen rather than voting for him. In our own election, can the opposition to the Tories muster a co-ordinated anti-government alliance? This appears to be their only hope.

Geoff Robb, Hunters Close, Dunnington