JULIAN STURDY is correct, the general election announcement was “unexpected” (The Press, April 19).

No embarrassing leaks after months of press speculation, just confident, professional executive action.

Opposition parties are stunned, having spent months demanding people get a say on the softening or even blocking of Brexit, now they have it.

Just one question; how can you legally abort Article 50? Nobody knows.

This decision was calculated and timed to perfection; exactly the kind of strategic thinking you need when dealing with the complex negotiations ahead.

A leader that can anticipate and seize such an opportunity is clearly no fool and one we should want batting for team GB.

What isn’t needed are politicians rocking the boat or degrading the nations dignity by begging the EU for mercy.

I hope remain supporters appreciate this and won’t conform to the Miller et al campaign attempting to corrupt the election by promoting tactical voting.

A leader should carry the nations colours with pride and confidence not a white flag of surrender.

Rachael Maskell however thought the move “reckless”, one that compels her submission to the verdict of the people; an interesting change of her attitude towards democracy.

She and others brought this situation upon themselves playing politics with the referendum result and failed to spot this potential move by the PM.

They failed to accept the result and have demonstrated they cannot anticipate or prepare for future events.

Why should York re-elect someone with such little foresight and optimism? Who do you think the EU would consider to be their meekest opponents?

Dr Scott Marmion, Woodthorpe, York